Our Trips And Prices
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Hire a canoe kayak on Leyre
Simple organisation !
Leave your car and we bring you to the departure.
Then, you are free to return at your leisure
as long as you don’t exceed the maximum time limit allowed.
(written below)
Children under 6 years old? Sorry you are too young to practice canoe.
See you soon!
Children between 6 and 10 years old (be able to swin): it is 50% off in canoe!
- Meeting point : Bus stop parking located at the crossroads between “Avenue du Val de l’Eyre” and “Rue du Maréchal Leclerc”
- 44°36’9″N 0°56’11.44″O
- Departure Time : Please call us
- Maximum Time return : 13h30
18 €
/per personne
20 €
/per personne
- Meeting point : 8h45 Port de Biganos
- 44°38’34.48N 0°59’48″76″O
- Departure Time: 9h00
- Maximum Time return : 17h30
24 €
/per personne
26 €
/per personne
- Meeting point : 12h45 Port de Biganos.
- 44°38’34.48″N 0°59’48.76″O
- Departure Time : 13h00
- Maximum return Time : 17h30
19,50 €
/per personne
21,50 €
/per personne
- Meeting point : 10h45 Port de Biganos.
- 44°38’34.48″N 0°59’48.76″O
- Departure Time : 11h
- Maximum return Time : 17h30
22 €
/per personne
24 €
/per personne
All the prices are in euro and per person.
Canoe 2 places or 2 places + 1 kid seated in the middle
kayak 1 place
Caution: time and meeting place are subject to change, you must prebook!
Navigation times are approximately without break.